I am what you would call a nerd; unpopular, bashful, overly intellectual, downright socially impaired and above all unattractive! Every masculine I meet is turned off and even mean. I have now put my intellect to the test and developed a potion using the DNA of beautiful women. I take one last look at myself in the mirror before I gulp the potion down. Within 8hrs I will be transformed into a goddess. Long flowing hair, hour glass form and looks that could kiII! After converting myself into a woman who is desired by all studs I seek out my 1st victim! Acting like a bimbo whore you cant help but think that I am an effortless lay, so of course without any hesitation you go after me back to my place. I put the moves on you, getting you entirely naked. I then cuff you and that is when the joy embarks. I torment you, taunt you and deny you of that built up orgasm youve been despairingly wanting to let go of since you met me. I will train all men a lesson and that lesson is that you are beneath ALL women!
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