Mistress Gaia – Strong Women

Custom-built REQUEST - The two Mistresses are sitting on the sofa. Mistress Gaia is wearing a sexy swimsuit and high-heeled slippers, while Mistress Luana is wearing a black leather dress and high-heeled slippers. After talking for a while, Luana asks Mistress Gaia to play with the comparison of their respective bods, and also attempt to see who is stronger at lifting. The two Mistresses proceed, and begin to compare their height without high-heeled shoes. Also of their arms and feet. They then step onto the scales to weigh themselves. After that, they begin to test their strength by lifting each other up. Mistress Gaia will attempt to pick up Luana, and vice versa. Both will attempt other lifts, playing and joking about who has the most powerful muscles. The movie ends with Luana in front of the camera and will try to pick up Mistress .