

Request: Several giantess clips display women avenging past misdeeds or crushing guys who were mean to them. But isn?t it a lot more evil and joy to dispatch fully virginal, nice, helpful fellows? So what about a clip in which you shrink a man who has done everything for you? You could commence by recalling how loving and nice he has been. Maybe he?s helped you stir, maybe he?s switched your vapid tire, maybe he has even given you all this money. But now, here he is, shrunk and about to be crushed. And it gives you special pleasure to know he?s such a good fellow. Any giantess can bad dudes. Even the state executes bad people. But it takes a special kind of evil, aggressive giantess to pop the man who?s done everything for her!! You can remind him of all the hard work he has done for you, of all the lounging, deceitful promises you?ve made him, of how you were already laughing on the inwards, getting turned on by knowing he would ultimately end like this. He should have known not to trust an evil giantess. How could he had believed you? And you say all this is ecstatic glee, as you hover your big foot over him.